With more than 5000+ verified Channels on our platform and more than 250+ API integrations, we ensure to share "First time Right" file with you for better chances of approval
Data pulled from 250+ API integrations & our recommendation engine improves approval ratio with superior matchmaking
Our extensive and ever-growing range of APIs provide in-depth file analysis with complete data security
We have 6000+ verified channels spread across 25+ cities and are expanding rapidly
Our payout management system shortens payout cycle by 50% enabling to configure payouts with enormous flexibility
Our cutting edge marketing engine allows you to create and communicate offers to your channels easily
Saarathi with its 6000+ channel partners across 25+ cities in India, is growing at more than 50% since its inception.
With our superior technology expertise we have direct LOS integrations with major banks/NBFCs.
Saarathi is also being used by Sales team of various banks/NBFCs to digitize their lending operations.
With Saarathi's LOS integrations, receive files directly into your own LOS and reduce manual intervention.
Achieve more transparency, remove human errors and reduce TAT
Examine all-digital loan applications in one place filtered by Applicant, Product, and DSA information.
Collaborate with your internal Technical and Legal teams in one single place
Manage Queries and request further information from the channels
With our 250+ API integrations, we promise to deliver an exhaustive file analysis including ITR, GST, Financials, Banking and all checks to your credit team within one hour of file login